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available soon
Estimated time for auction
July 15th, 2021


As warned by FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), aquatic resources are limited and need to be conserved. Owing to the much improved capture technique, humans have been overfishing for the sake of commercial interest. It is therefore projected that by year 2048, there will be no fish to catch and fish will not show up on our dinner plate.

By creating and releasing Squarefish, we are hoping to bring peopleˇ¦s attention to the issue of overfishing. It is our job and duty to save the aquatic resources. The last thing we want to see happen is that our next generation can only eat farmed fish. Even one day the marine defaunation will emerge.

Official website: https://atnft.io/square/




in preparation
Estimated time for auction
August 1st, 2021

@NFT LABS, working with Hua-Anh Art Co. Ltd. and the prestigious artist, collector, Tzu-Tien Lin that have collected hundreds of paintings produced by the Merited Artists and Peopleˇ¦s Artists in the former Soviet Union, to release another NFT ˇV Soviet Art.

The debut of the paintings will be served as a platform for those who are fond of Soviet art to be able to have a thorough understanding of the contemporary art and the different facets of value systems of the people of Soviet Union.

Soviet art carries significant ethnicity which was stemmed from social realism used in the Soviet Union. It focused on the ugly realities of contemporary life and sympathized with working-class people, particularly the poor. This is a widely divergent form of art from the Western contemporary art. Nowadays, Russian painters still marching on the path of independent artistic creation.

Soviet art depicted subjects of social concern; the proletariat struggle ˇV hardships of everyday life that the working class had to put up with. Every painting is an embodiment of a short epic, and you are encouraged to subtly savor the profundity of its unique feature.


in preparation
Estimated time for auction
September 1st, 2021

An educational NFT collaborating with a prominent book company aiming for those who intend to learn and understand blockchain to use this as a stepping stone. The biological function of a flower is to facilitate reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. The whole process starts from pollination, fertilization, to seed dispersal.

Flowers have different meanings in Eastern and Western culture. In traditional Chinese culture, flowers represent good and wonderful things. For example, peony stands for wealth and social position. While in Western culture, each of the flower is assigned with a specific meaning. For example, red rose is a flower of love and deep emotions. In addition to facilitating the reproduction of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans to bring beauty to their environment, and also as objects of romance, ritual, religion, medicine and as a source of food.

Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, especially bees, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen. Bees are insects known for their role in pollination and for producing honey. However, do you know bees are vanishing? Climate change, environmental pollution, and pesticide, even electromagnetic waves may explain declining of honeybee populations. No bees, no flowers, no plants, even eventually we human may not exist.




in preparation
Estimated time for auction
October 1st, 2021


Taiwan Ocean Artistic Museum ˇV TOAM, is mainly involved in taxidermy and art creation, has produced and collected more than 60,000 fish taxidermy masterpieces. Besides its important contribution to academia, TOAM is also dedicated to utilizing taxidermy and making art creation. Various kinds of fishes are given a new life again through vivid paintings.

OAM NFT is the collaboration of TOAM and @NFT. One can say that SquareFish NFT is abstract work of art, while OAM NFT is representational work of art. OAM NFT encompasses 2D durable images and dynamic images. Even some are 3D animation combining AR,VR, and MR.





in preparation
Estimated time for auction
Q2, 2022



Between 1405 and 1433, decades before Columbus discovered the Americas, the Ming government sponsored seven naval expeditions. Zheng He was placed as the admiral in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that undertook the expeditions. He led seven expeditions to the ˇ§Western Oceans.ˇ¨ The voyages helped spread Chinaˇ¦s culture and influence throughout Southeast Asia, Arabia, and Eastern Africa. Traditional and popular accounts of Zheng He's voyages have described a great fleet of gigantic ships far larger than any other wooden ships in history. Zheng Heˇ¦s armada of 317 ships ranked as the largest in the world until modern times.

Team members of @NFT LABS produced an online game called "Zheng He's Voyage to the West" years ago. Now, to combine with NFT game, a series of fleet NFT and virtual items NFT will be issued sharing the same theme ˇV Zheng Heˇ¦s Voyage to the West. Together with the aforementioned SquareFish, OAM, players will be able to get involved in various online missions such as buy properties in different countries, build an army, mining, farm management, even start warfare.


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